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School Pupils and apprentices

Many ways lead to PULS– certainly this sentence reminds you of your history lessons at school, as your teacher told you about the ancient world.

Many ways lead to Rome and many possibilities lead to PULS. You could e.g. get a first taste of what it means to work in a company, or make a direct start into business life.

How could you do this?

If you are interested in this type of short work experience, please contact the HR department or send your application documents straight to

You are currently in your final year or have already graduated from school? That means, you are now looking for an apprenticeship which suits your needs? In this case we offer different, individually fitted possibilities as well, individualized directly for you. Our career website shows you all vacant positions in our company here in Munich.

Nothing suits you at first glance? Then let us take a second glance together and see whether we can match your wishes and our possibilities for an apprenticeship. Please write a short email to and tell us, which direction your apprenticeship should head for. Together we then may take a new way to PULS.